THE Association for nepal |
Himalayan Studies Fellowships
Announcement 14 March 2025: Due to fluctuations in the current funding landscape, ANHS is postponing the 2025 Himalayan Studies Fellowships call for applications. The Fellowships Committee expects to provide an update in mid-summer 2025. ANHS offers Himalayan Studies Fellowships for the support of short-term research or other scholarly projects that will advance knowledge of the Himalaya-Karakoram-Hindukush regions. Projects may be from any scholarly discipline, addressing any aspect of Himalayan Studies. These fellowships support research or other scholarly projects that will advance knowledge of the Himalayan region and support the broad mission of ANHS: To promote research, teaching, and outreach activities to increase the understanding of the Himalaya and adjacent mountain regions and to promote scholarly exchanges between the United States and citizens of countries in the region. All ANHS Himalayan Studies Fellowship applicants must be active members of the ANHS or scholars affiliated with an ANHS institutional member. Fellowship-supported activities must take place in the Himalaya. Applications to conduct research elsewhere (including archives in Europe and North America) will not be considered. Awarded fellows will be responsible for obtaining visa and research permission as necessary. The funding of these awards is contingent on (1) the availability of funds, and (2) the budgetary limitations and restrictions of the ANHS and its external funding sources. Queries can be directed to: |