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THE Association for nepal
and himalayan studies

Celebrating 50 Years of Scholarship and Networking

Executive Council

The Executive Council of the ASSOCIATION FOR NEPAL AND HIMALAYAN STUDIES (ANHS) is responsible for the general management of the Association affairs. It will consist of a minimum of nine and maximum of fifteen chosen by the Executive Council (EC) according to the procedures and criteria outlined below. Officers, including the President, the Secretary/Treasurer, and Committee members and Chairs, shall be elected by the Council from its own membership. The Editor or Co-Editors of the HIMALAYA will serve as ex-officio Council members.


Name and Affiliation Info

 President Milan Shrestha, Full Teaching Professor
Arizona State University

 Secretary Ariana Maki, Assistant Professor
College of Art and Architecture | University of Idaho


 Members  Sienna Craig, Professor
Department of Anthropology | Dartmouth College

  Judith Justice, Professor
Institute of Health and Aging | University of California, San Francisco

  Adrian Khan
Department of Geography and Planning | University of Toronto

  Dinesh Paudel, Professor
Appalachian State University

  Nadine Plachta, Visiting Assistant Professor
Geography | James Madison University

  Katharine Rankin, Professor
Department of Geography and Planning | University of Toronto

Member [Editor of HIMALAYA]

Michael Heneise, Associate Professor
Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology | UiT – The Arctic University of Norway


Each committee will elect its own Chair and will be responsible for specific ANHS functions. Members may be appointed to the standing committees from the general membership. The Chair of each committee will be responsible: for calling meetings and/or initiating communication between members on current committee business; for communicating progress reports to the President in timely fashion; for communicating with others as required by the functions of the committee; and, for reporting to the Council and ANHS membership at their meetings.


The James Fisher Prize for First Books on the Himalayan Region
Katharine Rankin, Chair
Nadine Plachta
Karine Gagné
Sagun Nemlekhu

Himalayan Studies Fellowships
Sienna Craig, Chair
Ariana Maki
Geoff Barstow

The Dor Bahadur Bista Prize for Best Graduate Student Paper 
Dinesh Paudel, Chair
Judith Justice
Adrian Khan

Nadine Plachta, Chair
Adrian Khan

Judith Justice, Chair
Dinesh Paudel

Galen Murton, Chair
John Metz
Milan Shrestha

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